Canada's hockey culture has got to change
by Gerry Warner
Cranbrook Daily Townsman
September. 9, 2011
Time to cut to the chase. Respected Toronto Globe and Mail columnist Roy MacGregor calls it hockey's annus horribilis and he's right of course; the tragic deaths of three NHL players this summer and then the catastrophic crash of of the Russian airliner Wednesday that killed an entire team from the Kontinental Hockey League, including three NHL'ers.
But even before this latest tragic blow to hockey's horrible year – and I'd include the Vancouver's Stanley Cup riot in that – something had become painfully obvious. Hockey, Canadian-style, is a sick game, a broken game I would say and the cause is right on our doorstep – the Canadian hockey culture.
Go into any arena in this great land this winter and what do you see? If it's a minor hockey league game, you'll see children as young as eight or 10 years emulating their NHL heroes by trying to play as rough and dirty as they do while parents in the stands goad them on with dollar signs dancing in their eyes because some day their little Johnny may be in the NHL and they will all be millionaires.
It's not always this way, of course. But at the elite level it usually is and as was the case last November when a bench-clearing brawl broke out between two teams of eight-year-olds playing in a tournament in Guelph, Ontario which resulted in both coaches being investigated by the RCMP.
And as you move up the ladder in minor hockey the violence only gets worse until you hit the top of the pyramid in the CHL, of which the Kootenay Ice is a member, and fighting, brawling and violence is woven into the very fabric of the game. Now, don't misunderstand me here. The Kootenay Ice are a class act and a very well managed and disciplined organization and it shows in their playoff appearances in virtually every year of their existence.
Having said that, it's a rare game at the Rec Plex where there isn't at least one fight and fans in their seats bawling out for more. And just like the NHL, Kootenay Ice players get concussions – though we seldom hear much about them – but I remember well a playoff series a few years ago when star Ice forward Nigel Dawes was concussed by a Seattle player – just “part of the game” most Canadian hockey fans will maintain – and that was the end of our playoff run that year.
And, of course, there was last season's NHL cause celebere in January when Sydney Crosby, the league's marquee player – the face of hockey as they say – was concussed twice in the period of four days and hasn't played a game since and is unable to start this season and may never play again.
At this point, I turn to all the millions of hockey fans in Canada and the thousands in Cranbrook and Kimberley and say – IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT? Is this a “sport?” Is this what you enjoy seeing – Crosby, eyes-closed, unconscious in a crumpled heap on the ice as a result of a head “hit” that had nothing to do with the play at the time.
Sadly, I fear if a vote was taken on this by the fans and the players themselves the result would be a resounding “yes.” Take Canadians, about as peaceful and as a law-abiding group of people as you'll find on the planet, and put them in a hockey arena and the change is as dramatic as Jekyll and Hyde. You might as well be in the Roman Coliseum with the crowd braying for blood as the bare-knuckled gladiators pound each other senseless to the ice as the crowd lustily cheers.
There is not an iota of exaggerate in what I just wrote and anyone who has attended a hockey game in this country knows it. And, my God, did we see the results of this the past summer. Three NHL “enforcers” – now let's be honest, “goons” dead in two months, one by a combination of alcohol and painkiller pills the other two by suicide.
Shame on you Canada! No other country's “national game” is producing tragedies like this.
I have seriously considered this season of standing up and turning my back on any fights that break out on the ice instead of turning to my newspaper like I usually do. But frankly, I don't think I have the guts to do that because they'd probably be carrying me out with a concussion.
Will the Canadian hockey culture ever change? It's up to us.
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